
The sound of the unlocking and the lift away...

I noticed that I haven't written much about my feelings in a while. It hasn't been intentional; I guess I just haven't had too much going on, or that I felt the need to blog about at least. I usually go pretty long periods feeling the same way. when I'm stressed out, or worried about something, it tends to last for a while, until I find the wherewithal to bring myself out of it. and sometimes, unfortunately, I just can't. I'm still feeling motivated and inspired, If not slightly confused. I feel trustful.  I feel really passionate about the things I want to do next. I feel tiny, and I feel huge. I feel just how I need to feel in this moment. There is something about listening to some music and climbing into a bed with just-washed sheets, in a clean room that feels like ((home)). Cozy, is the word? Content is the word? Happy is the word. I feel happy.

Mood music: feist- I feel it all

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