
(Before Break) Thoughts on school:

Giggling girls that hug in front of staircases need to stop. Forever. No more.

The smell of sunscreen on the boy next to me in English was super strong.

The day I wore my yellow long sleeve shirt made me feel like a bird. The sleeves moved in the wind like crazy.

I hate it when I'm standing up by my desk and someone needs to get by and they squeeze past me facing the other direction. It makes our butts touch. I want to die of grossness. lfkvhierum... Gag.

These two girls sitting in front of me were playing with their candy cane wrappers a lot. it was distracting.

The same two girls talked about their dreams of being plastic surgeons. It was hilarious.

A guy with long hair in the hallway smelled JUST like confetti cake mix.

I'm surprised I still have arms. Everyday I play a game of Hallways vs. Brooke. The game consists of not getting bumped/pushed. I haven't won yet. I come to class with battle wounds. After winter break... ITS ON HALLWAY!!!



in English i sit in front of a lonely girl that speaks in all caps. 

in math a guy across the room thinks he's hot shiz.



"thats soooo raven" 
"thats sooooo not raven"

Those men are the pants.


I need a dance partner.
& some short hair
+ some fun


 The violets explode inside me 
When I meet your eyes  
Then I'm spinning and I'm diving 
Like a cloud of starlings  
Darling, is this love?

Guy Garvey. 



It's always werid to be on the same pee schedule as someone at school. 


Watch out, old lady walkin' the hallz

Got some new books today, wore my new book bag, and wished it was still summer so I could read MY books. Not school books. I saw freshmen cling onto their books with both hands and seniors hold them with two fingers with one hand. I wrote an essay about a past book from English class. And starred at the words in a new text book for hours. I should of been reading the words. Cause now I have homework.

Today was the first day of senior year.



I've been dancing a lot these days. It has gobbled up the last month of my summer. Consumed it. Demolished. It's been bitter sweet. Exciting and tiring. Both dancing at school and in my bedroom. Its better than going to the gym though. Everyone needs to find something that they love doing instead of defaulting to gym workouts and hating life as a result. Treadmill run like a hamster on its wheel? Shoot me now. But put me in a soccer game... and I run without complaints. Dancing, swimming, rock climbing, bike rides, yoga, jumpin' on the tramp. So many things. So many things better than the gym. I've been thinking of my studio dance days and I wish I still did Ballet. It was my favorite. Everyone thought I was stupid for thinking it was my favorite. Ballet days were the longest. I did flat and pointe. I miss it. The pink tights, bun heads, tight leotards, and long necks. I might need to fit a ballet class into my life again. Anyways, sorry about the absence of blogging. Blame it on boogie woogie 5 6 7 8 turn spin split kick portion of my summer dayz!    

I've been a lazy blogger. bleep boop bop.


Im going on a Trek. For four days. Pushing a wagon. It's gonna be a blast...I'm DEAD so hard. 


the bogeyman isnt really dead, not forever

Lately I have been scared at night. Its not new news. But its getting bad. My neighbors have a lot of parties and I hear everything. The cars and trucks pulling in. The screaming. The laughing. The bottles clanking. I see shadows and hear things in my house. I hear my stairs talking and pictures moving. Last night I kept a pair of craft scissors under my pillow... My mind is the biggest bully in the world. My brain scares me with real nightmare possibilities. I don't like scary movies, especially the kind where people are alone in a big old house. And I am always the last one to go to sleep. I like light. But the windows behind all the curtains are dark, and behind every curtain there's a horror story. My closet is a punk to look at too. That's what my brain tells me. But really, fear doesn't need windows and doors. It truly works from the inside. Srsly. And I always get scared when there's hours and hours of night left. And sometimes when I'm laying in my bed I wonder what my eyes look like. Uneasy? Haunted? Some nights I hug my pillow cause the fear is cranked up. Past terror. Past panic. I guess its simple, nothing to fear but fear itself. I like to think like I'm five feet away and looking at me, at this girl sitting on a bed... And I can see she's not under attack. There is no danger. And I can see that fear is the thing. Its just fear. One time, back in the school dayz, I remember walking behind some girls. And one of them said, "I am so upset, I am just so upset! And the thing that upsets me the most is that I'm so upset!" And I remember thinking, how stupid is that.. If you don't want to be upset, just stop being upset. And now my stupid scary daydreams are like the same thing. Its like being upset because you're upset. It keeps feeding itself. And then it gets you to feed it. And then you just have to stop it. I have to stop it. Brooke, will never be scared of the dark before going to bed ever again. Cross my heart.
There are two types of people who work out. There are those that don't talk about it on facebook. And then there are the worst people in the world.


You know your tired when you forget you've already put shampoo in your hair, and then go to put more in.



in. love. 

Moonrise Kingdom

so nice i need to see it twice.
I watched the movie October Sky last night. I love science fair boys...
Today, I saw this teenage kid with this strange looking stick toy standing in front of a buliding. He was juggling the sticks back and forth. His friend videoed him (for youtube, no doubt). "That will be effin sweet" his friend said, while rave music played from his phone. SO awesome.

Oh, guess wut? I went to the DMV today. Gag.


I have been gone for about a million months. Stupid school. Stupid stupid dance. But it feels like a party to be back. Anyways, IT IS SUMMER. So, Happy Summer To YOU!

I had a dream last night that I Rollerbladed in the park. I fell the first moment I got there. Scraped my knees and everything. The same dream happened four times in a row. Also, I had these weird silver chain hand gloves on. 

I think it would be fun to live in a van and live off of baby carrots. Wouldn't it?

Last night I hung out with Ryan Tingey. We read books at the park. He has pretty hair. And I think it's safe to say that he is probably one of the greatest people on earth. And that my friends, is no exaggeration. 

Right now I'm watching ancient "What Not To Wear" episodes. 
Favorite quotes from commercials:
"do you guys know how to post videos to facebook?"
"do i really need to holler?"
"I spend more money on cat treats than I do on regular food."
I swear I don't watch a lot of TV.

Crap. I'm supposed to be babysitting the sibz. Peace.   


Perhaps my favorite picture of Elvis.


elbow + lights + rockets + ryan tingey = excited brooke


not a clue

I can't sleep.


Or all I do is sleep.


I have the biggest headache right now. baboombaboom. 
I dreamt last night that I was part of a beauty pageant that involved muppets. I had to come up with a performance that utilized them, so I decided to be the many armed Hindu God Kali, with muppet faces at the ends of my hands (good idea, right?)

Then at one point I had long hair extensions that reached my ankles. We were running through halls, and up ladders and going underground. I felt pretty with my really long hair, even though it was fake.... and ridiculously long.

Random + weird = dreams.

I've been wanting to go to India lately. And dance like this all the way there.


Man, I haven't blogged in a while... Sorry about that folks. I've been studying my brains off. I hate public speaking. Whenever I have to do any public speaking, I suddenly feel like my body is a strange suit that doesn't quite fit me, and I feel oddly aware of what my hands are doing. Last night I dreamed that I had to talk in front of all the galaxies. I just stood there. Frozen. With a face as red as candy apples.