


SO, I'm not going to tell you how school is going. Cause well... I'm not.  I don't feel like it. Though, last night was great. PancakepancakepancakeKieraKlemmpancakepancakepancake. 


SKOOL -but make that K backwards in your mind.

 Feeling so blue.

Tomorrow is going to suck. BIG TIME. Cross your fingers, nerds. I'm jumping into disciplined territory.



Anytime someone is holding groceries on TV they always have one paper bag in each arm with at least one loaf of French bread and one stalk of celery sticking out. In real life I have 13 plastic bags in each hand, 5 of which contain only frozen pizzas. PLUS... while on the TV topic... Why are the throw-in items for infomercials so random? "When you buy this Tupperware set we'll also throw in 5 lbs of flounder at no charge to you! Call in the next 5 minutes and you'll also receive this dog toy and a prosthetic leg absolutely free!" TV is stupid. I'm going to pop in a movie now. Yeah. YEAH!

I haven't blogged in a while. So this is me blogging again.


Bowie and Jagger

Accidentally ripping off the ziplock on a resealable bag is a tragedy. Gah!


I absolutely love carving apples. It's so relaxing. Have you ever wished you were floating away inside of a bubble? I have. Dreaming that it would take me to a far away place. Carefully not hitting a bird or tree branch while on the way. Right now. I kinda feel like a tired puppet. Man on Mars, man on Mars, can you take me to the stars. 


I wanna be a mime. Just for the day.

I'm having a day filled with noise, more noise than I can handle which made me very stressed. Noise from my surroundings, noise from my own head. Too much of it makes it almost impossible to function let alone feel inspired. Dance practice was harsh... But it will get better.  I hope.


I can't stand ants. They like my house. I hate them. I'm going to fight them. Hard. I'm going to fight them super hard. Kick them in the face and stuff. But I'm going to be nice to them first. So, you know, they don't see it comin. Then, kjhdfgliuewglrtbnliduh, they will be in a headlock. The ants. Yup.

blah blah blog

I was sitting on my roof again. Reading. Surprising, huh? Ha. Anyways... this couple walked by. They were really cute and well, cute. They both were walking their dogs. After making their way to the front of my house they let their animals go to the bathroom on our grass. They had no idea I was watching this above their tiny racing hearts. They began to walk away and then soon, noticed my feet. Following their gaze I simply waved. I think they realized that I had watched them allow their pets enjoy themselves on my yard, cause they quickly waved and walked away. I couldn't help myself... I died. Laughing. Died. Also, a car drove by with it's window rolled down and it left a powerful smell. If I can smell your Axe Body Spray from your car on the street, you're doing it wrong. I want a storm to roll in. Mmm. Always thought how interesting it would be to see the inside of a storm, watch the lightning form and the pressure create those dark clouds and deep booms of thunder. Mother Nature is beautiful entertainment. It's just so hothotHAWThotdoggydoghotdog here in the NV. Tonight I'm going to pretend my room is a box. A box floating in the ocean.... (smiles).

I don't want a title. I hate coming up with them.

This is how it works. You're young until you're not. You love until you don't. You try until you can't. You laugh until you cry. You cry until you laugh. And everyone must breathe. Until their dying breath. No, this is how it works.You peer inside yourself. You take the things you like. And try to love the things you took. And then you take that love you made. And stick it into some. Someone else's heart. Pumping someone else's blood. And walking arm in arm. You hope it don't get harmed.
Get out of shower. Put on deodorant. Realize I only shaved one underarm. Also realize I fail at life. 

I have been so tired lately that it's tiring. Yawn.



I woke up this morning in a bit of a twist. Lots of thoughts. Dance was dance. Sameoldsameold... I went on my roof today. Exploring. Trying to get higher. A truck pulled in front to the house and waited there until I got back inside. It was filled with a bunch of punk teendudes. It creeped me out. I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday. Picked up my summer reading book for school. I haven't touched it. However, I did go to Borders today, cause, well, you know, they are going out of business. They are having a giant sale. I scored on some lovely books that I can't wait to read for CHEAP. At the moment I'm reading Catching Fire. Almost done. Then on to more books. I've been reading my life away this week. Bored. Out. Of. My. Mind. All my friends are out of town having adventures. Kiera and I are locked up in danceteacherlady heck. I've been looking a lot at poetry. Hahaha. I have literally nothing to do... it has come down to that. But I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Want to know what I love about poetry? The more abstract, the better. The stuff where you're not sure what the poet's talking about. You may have an idea, but you can't be sure. Not a hundred percent. Each word, specifically chosen, could have a million different meanings. Is it a stand-in-a symbol-for another idea? Does it fit into a larger, more hidden, metaphor? I really don't know... I just like it. I read that book, Thirteen Reasons Why, a couple days ago. It is horribly sad and one of those books that doesn't get out of your brain. It's freaking me out. I don't like it at all. Sick.  I kinda have a headache. I was thinking... Would you want the ability to hear other people's thoughts? Of course you would. Everyone answers yes to that question, until they think it all the way through. For example, what if other people could hear your thoughts? What if they could hear your thoughts...right now? Sometimes we have thoughts that we don't understand. Thoughts that aren't even true-that aren't really how we feel-but they're running through our heads anyway because they're interesting to think about. I am a rambling mess....I vacuumed my room today. I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything while vacuuming unless the vacuum sounds like it's choking. Rambling, again... I am overly tired. I think I should go to bed. My head is going to explode. Its drumming loud. Drummer boy. The little Drummer Boy. Have you seen that movie? This post is ridiculous. Sorry. I just want to be dancing in a forest. Bye.


perfect night. perfect. it was so perfect that I want to go into a time machine and relive the whole night over again. 


Thinking of yesterday makes it a smiley Sunday.


I spent the weekend with my GRANDrents. And it was perfectly sweet. I loved every little bit of it. Every bit. I can't wait to be old. Being a grandma is going to be awesome. And the adventures leading up to that point will be too...



I can't think of anything scarier than a black bear on a horse coming at you.
Today is Thursday. Not Wednesday. Not Friday. I'm prepared for anything. Even a black bear on a horse. Bring it on.

b o o k S

Reading IS cool. It really is. Yesterday. Wednesday, that is. I read a book. And I finished it too. Happiness. Reading is my favorite. When I grow up and I own a home, I want a room just filled with books. Books of every kind. The book I read was The Hunger Games. I finally understand what the hype is all about. It was wonderful.  Though, It made me quite hungery and thirsty as a read. Whenever I finish a book I feel like I've lost a friend. Booksbooksbooksbooks. Do you know what else I like about reading? Is talking about it. Especially if the person has read the same book. Last night, I had a very lovely conversation about The Hunger Games with a doopherful human. And it was almost as good as reading the book itself.


My computer has been broken for a while. So, I have some major catching up to do...  Tuesday. Tuesday was wild. The school is a lot cooler at night then it is during the day. Not that school was ever cool. Yeah. I like driving around in a car with Ryan and Jacob and Kiera. I wish I could do it everynight. "I'm a loner Dotty, a rebel!" - Pee Wee


TAKE ME. please.

Someone. Take me away from my room. I want to do stuff. I want to go somewhere. I want to play in an imaginary world.


 Kiera Klemm. I'm coming over. I can't stand it. And I will act like a fairy on the way there. I want to go to Neverland.

Today is Tuesday. Let's make it a good one.


forgive me

I liked him better the old way.

I've been a blogaholic today, haven't I? Sorry about that. Actually, I'm not sorry. Wait,  yes I am. I promise to try to not crowd up your brain with all my nonsense. So. I was thinking. This week. When I need to open my computer to work on things. I am going to open it- and work on those things. and when I am done working on those things, I am going to close my computer. When I do not need to open my computer for any reason, but I just kind of feel like opening it... I am going to open a book instead...

if all the walls in my room could talk, i wonder to myself would they laugh? 

I have been to two wedding deals this week. I love weddings. Everything about them. They are just so magical and they make me oh, so very happy. Anyways, I have a new and very embarrassing hobby. I have discovered this lovey lovely thing on the internet. (I can't believe I'm sharing this...) On vimeo.com, there is this group called, stillmotion. They produce amazing videos. And part of their business is that they, well, um, oh gosh, video weddings. They capture the whole story for the people. On vimeo, of course they don't show the whole thing, wedding that is, but just little bits. Little bits so wonderful that I get super warm and fuzzy. There are a lot of them and it's pretty darn hard to explain. So, you can check it out if you would like. Only, if you would like. Only. Click here. yup. here. do. it. I'm nuts and I just. love. weddings. Stillmotion makes other videos for people and they are great too. I believe they are photographers as well... Anyways. Yeah. I spend too much of my twinkling time watching the little films. And it's goonish. I should stop. Yeah. Okay. Uh-huh. Go ahead and laugh at me. I dare. you. Please do.

Come away with me

I want to jump into the sea, in my Sunday clothes. Can we? Let's do it. 

Also, I have found that sometimes the confusion, stress, and overwhelming pressure can be solved by only one thing: jump into a pool with all of your clothes on and just drift.
I'm going to bed now. And I'm excited. My dreams are gonna be great. I can just taste it.

The sound of the unlocking and the lift away...

I noticed that I haven't written much about my feelings in a while. It hasn't been intentional; I guess I just haven't had too much going on, or that I felt the need to blog about at least. I usually go pretty long periods feeling the same way. when I'm stressed out, or worried about something, it tends to last for a while, until I find the wherewithal to bring myself out of it. and sometimes, unfortunately, I just can't. I'm still feeling motivated and inspired, If not slightly confused. I feel trustful.  I feel really passionate about the things I want to do next. I feel tiny, and I feel huge. I feel just how I need to feel in this moment. There is something about listening to some music and climbing into a bed with just-washed sheets, in a clean room that feels like ((home)). Cozy, is the word? Content is the word? Happy is the word. I feel happy.

Mood music: feist- I feel it all


You've got the spirit, don't loose that feeling.

 I'm going to travel. Everywhere my heart desires. Okay?
"one of the saddest lines in the world is 'oh, come now - be realistic.' the best parts of this world were not fashioned by those who were realistic. they were fashioned by those who dared to look hard at their wishes and gave them horses to ride."
- richard nelson bolles 


sometimes i just feel like her


Today, I have to babysit my siblings. Actually, it's more like a play date with Mallory for many hours. She's fun-fun-funny.We cooked a delightful pasta covered in a rich creamy sauce with just the right blend of herbs, spices, and cheese. Or Kraft mac and cheese if you wanna be a nerd head about it. Then we went up stairs and danced our buns off in my bedroom. To these songs over and over and over again:

I feel the need to throw myself around in an articulate way. I am a trapeze artist. A trapeze artist dancer, that is.Then we decided to go outside and blow bubbles and lay in the grass. I asked her what SHE thought clouds tasted like. And she replied back with, "Mac and cheese, DUH!" After agreeing, we decided to pretend to eat all the clouds in the sky. She wanted to eat some mountains too. So we ate some. Then I gave her a bath. "Rubber ducky... you're the one... you make bath time so much fun!" Now we're drinking Sprite. Yumz.

sorry mother...


Today. Today is a great day.

Today is Ryan day. Ryan Tingey day. It's the best day out of all the best days. Out of all the better than best days. It's better than all of them. Ryan day. It's just. It's just ...that. The best. He is the best. If you don't believe me, click  right here. Ryan is fun. Ryan is the sweetest. Ryan makes awesome farting noises with his arm pit. Ryan has perfect glasses. Ryan takes perfect pictures. Ryan is perfect. Ryan is dreamy. Ryan is a good dreamer. Ryan likes the good kind of music. Ryan is a whole bunch of pretty things. Ryan is Ryan. I like Ryan. I like Ryan day. I also, like Ryan's smile. It sure makes me melt. And smile. I smile at his smiles. Okay. Goodnight.
Happy Birthday