

I woke up this morning in a bit of a twist. Lots of thoughts. Dance was dance. Sameoldsameold... I went on my roof today. Exploring. Trying to get higher. A truck pulled in front to the house and waited there until I got back inside. It was filled with a bunch of punk teendudes. It creeped me out. I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday. Picked up my summer reading book for school. I haven't touched it. However, I did go to Borders today, cause, well, you know, they are going out of business. They are having a giant sale. I scored on some lovely books that I can't wait to read for CHEAP. At the moment I'm reading Catching Fire. Almost done. Then on to more books. I've been reading my life away this week. Bored. Out. Of. My. Mind. All my friends are out of town having adventures. Kiera and I are locked up in danceteacherlady heck. I've been looking a lot at poetry. Hahaha. I have literally nothing to do... it has come down to that. But I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Want to know what I love about poetry? The more abstract, the better. The stuff where you're not sure what the poet's talking about. You may have an idea, but you can't be sure. Not a hundred percent. Each word, specifically chosen, could have a million different meanings. Is it a stand-in-a symbol-for another idea? Does it fit into a larger, more hidden, metaphor? I really don't know... I just like it. I read that book, Thirteen Reasons Why, a couple days ago. It is horribly sad and one of those books that doesn't get out of your brain. It's freaking me out. I don't like it at all. Sick.  I kinda have a headache. I was thinking... Would you want the ability to hear other people's thoughts? Of course you would. Everyone answers yes to that question, until they think it all the way through. For example, what if other people could hear your thoughts? What if they could hear your thoughts...right now? Sometimes we have thoughts that we don't understand. Thoughts that aren't even true-that aren't really how we feel-but they're running through our heads anyway because they're interesting to think about. I am a rambling mess....I vacuumed my room today. I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything while vacuuming unless the vacuum sounds like it's choking. Rambling, again... I am overly tired. I think I should go to bed. My head is going to explode. Its drumming loud. Drummer boy. The little Drummer Boy. Have you seen that movie? This post is ridiculous. Sorry. I just want to be dancing in a forest. Bye.

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