

I went on a date tonight (last night). It's 1 somethin'. I'm actually still on the date. I'm on a date with myself. I haven't left my house. It's kinda pathetic. But not. Actually, not at all. This is what we did:
made some bracelets
ate a whole bag of Rolos
filled four pages of paper with weird doodles
taped some doodles into a notebook
played with the hole punch
ate some gum
made a paper airplane out of the gum rapper
sat on my bed
took some medicine
ate some orange chicken
watched Sleepless in Seattle
went on the puter. 
stared at the screen
ate some ice cream
took a shower
curled my hair for no reason at all
sat on my bed some more
listened to every Elbow song
talked to McKenna Henrie
peed my pants while talking to McKenna Henrie
drank the last of the chocolate milk and put the empty container back into the fridge. Ha.
drew a watch on my wrist
read a short story by J.D. Salinger. (A Girl I Knew)
quoted 500 Days of Summer to myself
watched a Knight's Tale
watched a billion traliers for The King's Speech on Youtube (I NEED to rent it)
watched Youtube videos of peacocks
realized that peacocks sound like dinosaurs
made my butt go numb
blew my nose for fun
chased my hamster around the house
captured the hamster with a bowl
went down stairs and sat on the stairs
ran back up the stairs cause I got the chills and freaked out cause I was by myself and everyone is asleep
started to watch the movie Dirty Dancing
I'm currently watching more of Dirty Dancing
Yep. This date has been wonderful. Kinda. No, it hasn't. But you know what... I don't know what. I never know what.

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