

My uncle, Tyson Henrie, is in this awesome band called Big Talk and pretty soon, it's going to be the big talk of the town. They make wonderful noise. The drummer from The Killers, Ronnie Vannucci Jr, Is working on his own side project. In fact they are starting their mini tour tomorrow. So, if you gotz timez, comez seez themz. REALLY, DO IT! The tour list starts off with them playing at the Hard Rock Cafe, Las Vegas N E V A D A, tomorrowz. Then they head down to San Fran the next dayz. Lastly, they end with a bang at LA, baby! Go get your tickets. My uncle actually let me come see them play the practice show today. And boy do they sound amazing. You HAVE to catch them live. Yeahyeahyeahyeahhhhhhhhh!  Lovelovelovelovelovebabyboogocheckthemoutneowmeow. Oh, and their album came out TODAY on Itunes. buyit. itbuy. buybuybuyititit. Check this song. Check it.
Check check check.

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