
"As far back as I can reach with my memory, I dreamed about oranges, which were my ideal fruits and source of good things. Perhaps I was enchanted by them because they were scarce and expensive. In my youth they were a symbol of weath, sucess and exquisite taste. The greatest experience was when I quartered a naked orange. On each quarter I would see the faces of actors from the past.. And if they were very famous, I thought they would have baskets and baskets of these fruits.. Oranges became more and more a part of my secret life. I decided to have at least one every day. Each time I went out I would carry an orange in my pocket, touching it from time to time for assurance. This talisman gave me strengh to live and the feeling that someday I would be famous and have hundreds and thousands of oranges" -Greta Garbo

Right now, I need oranges in both my pockets.

Sunggies are for wusses

Now this is style and refinement.


sleepless nights

If you replace the word foaming with floating, this poem becomes completely accurate to my situation in life right now. I really can't sleep. I've tried. But I can't. I just lay there in my bed. Floating with thoughts. Tricks on sleeping? Anyone?


This picture is a good description of how I feel most of the time...that is up for interpretation.
"You know, I dream sometimes about flying. It starts out like I’m running really, really fast and I’m like superhuman and the terrain starts to get really rocky and steep and then I’m running so fast that my feet aren’t even touching the ground and I’m floating and it’s like this amazing, amazing feeling… I’m free, I’m safe. Then I realise: I’m completely alone. And then I wake up.” -Summer


I went on a date tonight (last night). It's 1 somethin'. I'm actually still on the date. I'm on a date with myself. I haven't left my house. It's kinda pathetic. But not. Actually, not at all. This is what we did:
made some bracelets
ate a whole bag of Rolos
filled four pages of paper with weird doodles
taped some doodles into a notebook
played with the hole punch
ate some gum
made a paper airplane out of the gum rapper
sat on my bed
took some medicine
ate some orange chicken
watched Sleepless in Seattle
went on the puter. 
stared at the screen
ate some ice cream
took a shower
curled my hair for no reason at all
sat on my bed some more
listened to every Elbow song
talked to McKenna Henrie
peed my pants while talking to McKenna Henrie
drank the last of the chocolate milk and put the empty container back into the fridge. Ha.
drew a watch on my wrist
read a short story by J.D. Salinger. (A Girl I Knew)
quoted 500 Days of Summer to myself
watched a Knight's Tale
watched a billion traliers for The King's Speech on Youtube (I NEED to rent it)
watched Youtube videos of peacocks
realized that peacocks sound like dinosaurs
made my butt go numb
blew my nose for fun
chased my hamster around the house
captured the hamster with a bowl
went down stairs and sat on the stairs
ran back up the stairs cause I got the chills and freaked out cause I was by myself and everyone is asleep
started to watch the movie Dirty Dancing
I'm currently watching more of Dirty Dancing
Yep. This date has been wonderful. Kinda. No, it hasn't. But you know what... I don't know what. I never know what.


pick up the phone and hum the dial tone

I've been thinking. Sometimes, when things take longer than you thought they would, it's just a gentle reminder from the universe that you have more time than you thought, and that there's a journey to enjoy. And just because it's taking longer than you thought it would, doesn't mean stuff isn't happening, even as you read these words. 

I can't sleep.



He writes stuff like that.. the simplest things in the world.. 
And yet, no one else has ever said them like that. 
I will always like him.




today is Mallory Jane's Birthday. and it is happy. cupcakescupcakescupcakes. three she now is. she's sweet. and cute. we were all singing to her and it was the funniest. she got really embarrassed and ran off. happy birthday... wait. where did she go? she reminds me of me. she also peed her pants for the first time. on her birthday. so she decided to take off all of her clothes. free spirit. let's party. let's dance. i wanna dance. magic dance.
Um sorry can you repeat that, I was busy trying to maintain eye contact.
nothing is ever as good as it was
and what's good for your soul will be bad on your nerves
if you reverse it.

i wonder who was the first person in history, to get what they wanted and not want it anymore.curious.



I watched this video. I'm pretty sure it'll make you feel good, right down to your toes.


it was my breath.

I always love to hear about how people find their passion.

Photographer sharon montrose picked up a camera when she was fifteen, and hasn't looked back since. Over the years, she developed an enthusiasm for taking pictures of animals. I think it's pretty amazing how calm they are while getting their photos taken in the studio. Of course my favorite is the baby giraffe, by far. 
She truly has more talent in her pinky finger than most people have in their entire bodies. Sigh.

"a lot of people ask me, 'how did you get to where you are? how do you have this career?' and I always say, 'from a series of complete and total failures.'"

Lately I've realized/ decided

How Much I love forts. Like pillow and blanket living room forts. I'm obsessed with them. I'm going to make one soon. I. Can't. Wait. Once you step inside a fort, you're in a whole new magical world. Dancemagicdance. Growing up is so overrated. 

 Also, there's this FILM on FILM.
I died.
I went to heaven... 
annnnnnnnnnnnnnd I found this.


Oh land - Wolf and I (live)

I want to be her friend. I just do. She dances fun. I love the brilliance of having friends. Its like having a scout network of people that appreciate radness and sift through all the bogus and find the nuggets. Whut. Here is a little music to make you loosen up a little.


look at the stars. look how they shine for you. 
Want to know a secret? I have never seen an actual shooting star. I really want to. I feel like shooting stars avoid me. Maybe if I whisper into the sky, outside my window, that I like them, they'll come visit me. I'll try it tonight.



Do you know what's awesome? When your really tired and someone throws a blanket on you. I love it. I was wondering. Don't you ever wonder what clouds taste like? I do. Everyday I do. I do it everyday. I like clouds. Ialsolikeryan.

I also also like this video. She's cute. This is how I predict living by myself will be.

kinda very... yeah.

I want to do this.

Then travel the world of course.

But, instead, at the moment, I'm saying this.



dot dot dot

not. even. a. wink. of. sleep.


I spill things from stirring them too quickly.
I laugh at stupid things. Just cause they tickle me.
Sometimes I'm as quiet as a mouse, that I don't make a peep. 
I know all the secrets in my world.
I sing the alphabet backwards.
I secretly wish I was one of the Von Trapp children.
I dance to David Bowie in my bedroom.

sick nasty

I'm sick. It's as plain and simple as that. Not 'sick' as in crazycool and used like: "Man, that trick was sick yo." It's the not feeling good, sick. Nasty. I just want someone to take me to Sugar Town so all my troubles will pass and I can laugh at the sun.
 Oh, and I also want one of these. Ya know... for my runny nose and stuff...



My uncle, Tyson Henrie, is in this awesome band called Big Talk and pretty soon, it's going to be the big talk of the town. They make wonderful noise. The drummer from The Killers, Ronnie Vannucci Jr, Is working on his own side project. In fact they are starting their mini tour tomorrow. So, if you gotz timez, comez seez themz. REALLY, DO IT! The tour list starts off with them playing at the Hard Rock Cafe, Las Vegas N E V A D A, tomorrowz. Then they head down to San Fran the next dayz. Lastly, they end with a bang at LA, baby! Go get your tickets. My uncle actually let me come see them play the practice show today. And boy do they sound amazing. You HAVE to catch them live. Yeahyeahyeahyeahhhhhhhhh!  Lovelovelovelovelovebabyboogocheckthemoutneowmeow. Oh, and their album came out TODAY on Itunes. buyit. itbuy. buybuybuyititit. Check this song. Check it.
Check check check.

living like a shadow

Laying in bed all day is like living like a shadow. I didn't get out of bed till around 5:30 pm today. Well, technically, yesterday. I saw Harry Potter. It was wonderful. I think I'm going to ride my bike tomorrow well... later today, ya know. I've decided that one day I'm going to lay on top of some building's roof and look at the sky. Goodnight. Sleep tight.



If I were a plant, I know I'd be a sapling

So, tomorrow I'm leaving Nevada. Forever. Actually, more like until Saturday. It will seem like forever though. I'm going to Girl's camp. Awesome. I'm trying to act like I'm NOT excited but, there's this little fire within me burning with the 'I can't wait, I can't wait!!!' flame. I really like camping. But, I must say I don't really like sleeping in tents.
However, I wouldn't mind staying in a tent if it were in wonderful Iceland. Not one bit. My favorite thing about camping is being in nature. It's like a breath of fresh air whenever I look up at the trees. I've always wanted to visit the giant Redwoods in Northern California. The redwoods are magnificent to look at and to learn about. I think we should be like Redwoods. I would be a tree if I was any other creature, it would fit my human character the best. I think. Or not. I'm not really sure. I just want to be a tree. Is that too much for me to ask? I'm gonna go to visit the Redwoods someday. I promised I would. As well, as Iceland. I'm going there too. Don't you forget it. In the mean time look at this video. Enjoy.

The writer does a fantastic job as well as the videographer. I need to go pack. I haven't done anything. Don't yell at me. I know, I know, I know, I know. I'm gonna start now. Maybe. Okay. Well bye blog. For a week. So long. Packing = death. Is it weird that I rather have a dementor suck my soul then to pack? Don't answer that... I really got to goooooo. But noooooo. But YES. Byebyebyebyebye. Hi? FART NO. Okay. Bye.


Kinda very yes.

I'd love to do this one day. I honestly don't know why this is so great, possibly because it makes me want to  run around at random screaming in peoples faces.KOOWAAAHHH!! But I don't know if I would have THAT much guts. Being the victim would stink though. Anywho, (whenever I say 'anywho' I think of Cindy Lou Who (now I can't stop thinking about The Grinch which makes me think about Christmas which then makes me think about Ralphie shooting his eye out in the Christmas Story, which is a movie , not a story, wait yes, it is a story...)) I enjoy that video a lot. A lot a lot. A lot. Alright. Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay. Ye ye. Wahoo. Woop. Woop. Ye haw. Want to know something kinda similar to this? Well, a bunch of my buddies/cool catz/homies call to random people and act like we know them. It's great. For example, we would yell 'Michael! Michael!' to a boy or "Jessica! Jessica!" to a girl or even "Grandpa JJ!!!!!" to well, I'm not sure who to but, ya know, for fun and stuff... cause it's fun and stuff. Stuff is fun and stuff and fun and stuff.


Serious moves.

This is kinda, very, how I feel right now.

To infinity and...

Space Boy found his Dream Girl.


For you-ooh-ooh-ooh. So black and blue-ooh-ooh-ooh. For you-ooh-ooh-ooh.

I always wake up with a song in my head. And for some unknown reason (other than that it's probably just an awesome song...) this is the song I've been waking up with for the past many days. It makes me feel happy and kid-ish. Mmm. So good. I want to go outside and make rings out of the grass and eat frozen strawberries and listen to this song some more. Someonz joinz mez. Please.

Can I tell you what I dreamed last night too? McKenna and I were searching for gems in the sandy beaches and we had jars of jellyfish. I have this dream at least once a week. I want it to be my life. According to thecuriousdreamer.com, dreaming of jellyfish means that there is something that you feel is a quiet, lurking threat in your life. Uh-huh. Wait. Whut?


Guilty pleasure...

You know you do it too..
Blast those songs that get you tapping your fingers and belting out loud! Those songs you love but are so in denial about! (I guess not THAT in denial, here I am admitting it, after all). The songs that make you want to get your saggy pants on, or perhaps try out your best music video dance moves...
I may or may not pretend to run my fingers through my imaginary afro. Cue shoulder dance, now.
If you'll excuse me, I think I need two Purrs so I can get to stompin' in my Urr Force Ones..... What...?

I'm kinda very unhinged.

I feel lately that I'm becoming a little unhinged. I think I need to just tighten the screws and keep going. I woke up this morning feeling as though I had slept on bowling balls and it gradually felt as though lighting was creeping up into my neck and shoulders. Thankfully it's going away-ish. I want it to rain badbadbadbad!!!!


This song is seriously SO groovy. It makes me want to dress very funky and dance til' my little feet beg me to stop. Goodnight. Zzz...


I just find them so magical but at the same time very comforting. I want to live in one and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all day. Treehouses rule.

Kinda reminds me of Rapunzel's tower. Which reminds me of Tangled. I'm going to watch that neow. Meow.


I kinda very like

So...this is what I want my life to be like. let's make that happen.
By the way I'm kind of on a french kick right now. Actually no, that's a lie. I'm just trying to brainwash you all so you'll like it too.