
complete laziness + the sun + no ride = pain in the buTT

Kiera and I are awesome at complaining. I like complaining with her. It's so so so fun. No really, it is. It would be cool to have a friend (not a stranger), that had a car, drive by and observe us complaining. Then I bet they would invite us into their car. Possibly allowing us to catch a ride with them. Naww, I would feel bad. I wish I didn't feel bad when asking people for rides. Then I wouldn't ever have to walk again. Laziness to the max. Kiera Klemm explains today a whole lot better. Loads better. LOADS. She's funny. I like Kiera Klemm. I like the 'plan A' plan. I like Kiera Klemm some more. I'm feeling lazy again. Why do you go temporarily deaf when you stretch? Funky. Try it. Stretchstretchstretch. Ah. 

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