
Hello... it's me. (sorry I HAD to)

I just got out of the shower and I spent half of my time swirling around shampoo in the palm of my hand in circles and patterns. I was thinking about a lot of things while doing this. 

Right before I took a shower I watched a clip on Facebook (dang those "must know more" headlines). This video was a short piece composed of 15 second increments of one little girl. Her dad took random footage of her against the same backdrop every week of her life since a weeeee lil baby to age 14.He molded it all together and it was truly beautiful to watch. And I cried. 

So I'm swirling this shampoo in my hand thinking about this and how much my life has changed since I was a babe to now (20 years old). I've changed some and stayed the same some. My family and friends are different and some the same. I remember sitting in my high school bedroom thinking about how boys were dumb but how girls were the worst. I've had a boyfriend now for 4ish going on 5 years. But boys are still dumb and girls are still the worst. I've always stuck to who I was/am pretty strong my whole life. My values haven't changed. But the way I think has developed. I've grown a deeper understanding of others through my life experiences. Some of those experiences I wish I could relive forever and some that make me sad. I struggle with change. I crave it and want it and need it. But cry when my siblings grow up, when my cousin isn't close to me anymore, when I visit all the old streets I played on, and when I take a new step in the now adult life. But change is natural. I'm just overly sentimental. Or sometimes scared. 

In the shower I spread the(now)(nonexistent) bubbly blob over my veins and wrinkles in my hands. I couldn't help but think, "Humans are amazing". My body is so complex. Our minds are wired so uniquely. I know that we were sent here on this Earth to do GREAT things. There is much more to this life that I've lived so far. My story is just going to get bigger and scarier and greater. 

Anyways, shower thoughts. 

Back to the paper thats due tomorrow. 

